AAR — First Strength Training Injury

If you recall I injured my shoulder, specifically a swollen long-head bicep tendon, via improper bench press form due to lack of scapular retraction and bringing the bar down significantly above my nipple line.  I spoke of it here CLICK.

Last week I had my final two sessions at physical therapy and a follow-up with my doctor.  I have no more pain.  I have the full range of motion.  I am relived.  The biggest thing I learned on this journey is to work smarter not harder and avoid injury.


What Shoulder Pain Looks Like To You

In addition to working smarter not harder is that everyone should accept and respect the level of complication involved with shoulder injuries.  Throughout my physical therapy I did exercises that I assessed as random, not well thought out, and even stupid.  In reality these exercises were doing just what my Physical Therapist wanted and they worked.  In my representative sample of one shoulder rehabilitation isn’t A+B=C but is more like A+9=V (V for Victory!  Hooray! 🙂 ).

The shoulder and the Z-Cube are similar in that the number of solutions are roughly 19.5 duoquinquagintillion on the short scale.

Shoulder Pain Reality — The shoulder and the Z-Cube are similar in that the number of solutions are roughly 19.5 duoquinquagintillion on the short scale.

Based upon discussions with my Physical Therapist, knowledgeable friends, Dr. Quinn Henoch of Darkside Strength CLICK, reviews of shoulder literature and noting what worked best for me in physical therapy I designed a program to sustain my shoulder.  This program is not specifically  focused on the long-head bicep tendon but involves overall shoulder health and flexibility.

Shoulder health and programs to sustain said health are highly individualized and what works for me may not work for you.  I am providing this Frankenstein-style PDF full of random internet images to show you what works best for me.  Please be careful. If you use my program you do so at your own risk.

Disclaimer horse beaten!

Disclaimer horse beaten!


Download Here Shoulder Rehab Thingy (CLICK)